Jenna Quinn offers a variety of in person and online teachings and trainings. With each teaching, the length and topics can be tailored to your organization or conference program.
See her speaking highlights over the past 21 years below!
Highlights of Her Outreach
Jenna gives an interview on WBAP radio following the court sentencing of her perpetrator on 11-10-04.
Full feature news article written by Steve Blow of the Dallas Morning News to highlight sexual abuse awareness and the courage of Jenna on 11-14-04, Sunday edition.
Jenna speaks at the Denton County Courthouse on April 21, 2005, to a full audience, as an honorary speaker during National Crime Victim Rights Week.
Longest news article ever written in Glamour magazine, five pages, on sexual abuse awareness and the courage of Jenna. October 2005 edition.
Alvid Productions produces a documentary, ‘It’s Not Just Jenna,’ to be distributed to agencies around the country to raise awareness about sexual abuse and bring hope and empowerment to hurting families.
Jenna speaks to over 300 people at the University of North Texas Gateway Center, 4-6-06, for the Children’s Advocacy Center on behalf of victims during the 10th Annual Community Breakfast Joining Hands for Justice & Healing. She and State Senator Jane Nelson were the honorary speakers.
Jenna conducts an interview on raising sexual abuse awareness with WBAP radio, which is broadcast several times throughout the day on 4-6-06.
Jenna conducts a two-hour live satellite radio broadcast interview with call in questions for The Mornings with Scott and Lorri Show, Sirius Channel 159, for the Family Net Radio Network. April 17, 2006.
Jenna appears on the At Home-Live! With Chuck and Jenni Show. This nationally televised Christian program devoted an entire hour (the first time in its broadcast history to run a full hour devoted to one speaker/subject) to Jenna, her parents, and a Christian psychologist. April 26, 2006.
Documentary on Not Just Jenna received “The Communicator Award of Distinction” in 2006.
House Bill 1041, “Jenna’s Law,” is signed by Governor Perry on June 22, 2009.
Jenna spoke on October 23, 2009, at Gloucester High School in Gloucester, MA. to students in 5 various health classes addressing prevention and awareness of sexual abuse. A question and answer format followed each session.
Gloucester Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Partnership (GCSAAP) and the Enough Abuse Campaign hosted a reception for Jenna on October 23, 2009, at Pathways for Children. Jenna was featured as the Keynote speaker at this community gathering. A question and answer format followed the lecture.
Jenna Spoke on October 24, 2009, at the annual Take Back the Night Rally, at Needham High School in Needham, MA.. Her audience consisted of 214 High School students and community adults.
Jenna conducted a TV interview with a local TV journalist after her Take Back the Night speech on October 24, 2009.
On October 26, 2009, Jenna conducted a taped interview with a television journalist from The Needham Channel. The television program was a 30-minute program. Jenna answered dialogue on overcoming the stigma of sexual abuse.
Jenna partnered with Massachusetts Citizens For Children by speaking in Boston, Massachusetts, at a State House Briefing on Child Sexual Abuse Prevention. In the Boston State House, this briefing was sponsored by Representative Martha M. Walz and Senator Robert A. Leary, Chairs, Joint Committee on Education. Representative Ronald Mariano was the Lead Sponsor of (H. 1523) An Act Relating to Comprehensive Protection From Childhood Sexual Abuse. Jenna was the Keynote Speaker for this State House Briefing. In attendance were six House Representatives and two State Senators, leaders from 9 statewide child advocacy organizations, and community members. A question and answer format followed Jenna’s speech on legislative procedures to enact an education law on child sexual abuse awareness.
March 11, 2010, Jenna spoke at the Ms. Foundation for Women in Brooklyn, New York. At this national convention on survivor led activism, Jenna spoke for 45 minutes to a panel of 16 nationally known child activists from around the country on igniting change and starting a nationwide movement for preventing child sexual abuse. Jenna’s speech was on producing legislative changes and empowering victims. A question and answer session followed.
October 28, 2010, Jenna speaks to Frisco, TX. ISD Middle School Counselors about signs and symptoms of sexual abuse and Jenna’s Law. In attendance were 68 counselors and Jenna spoke for 30 minutes.
November 5, 2010, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the Annual New Hanover County Child Watch Committee Conference in North Carolina. At the New Hanover County Public Library, Jenna spoke for 49 minutes to a ticketed sold out audience. In attendance, there were 650 professional therapists, lawyers, and social workers.
December 16, 2010, Jenna speaks to Frisco, TX. ISD Elementary School Counselors. In attendance were 64 counselors and Jenna spoke for 20 minutes.
March 1, 2011, Jenna is the Keynote speaker for Prevent Child Abuse Texas, 25th annual conference. At the Westin Park Central Hotel, in Dallas, TX. Jenna spoke for 49 minutes on her testimony, Jenna’s Law, and child abuse prevention. The title of her message was, “Song’s for Silence.” The conference was sold out with 1,000 people in attendance.
March 29, 2011, Jenna is on CBS 11 local news station, where she was interviewed last minute in the afternoon, and the taped interview aired that evening. The purpose of the interview was to advertise for the upcoming National Victim Rights Week. She also spoke about the importance of Jenna’s Law and encouraged victims to make an outcry.
April 12, 2011, Jenna is one of three speakers at National Victim’s Rights Week where she spoke at the Denton County Courthouse in Denton, TX. There were 165 people in attendance. Jenna gave her testimony, talked about Jenna’s Law, and spoke on Hope in the face of adversity for 20 minutes.
April 12, 2011, Jenna is interviewed again by CBS 11 local news station, where she was interviewed before her speech. The taped interview aired the next day. The purpose of the interview was to cover Jenna’s message and raise awareness on Jenna’s Law.
April 19, 2011, Jenna addresses the Texas Education Committee at the Texas Sate House in Austin, TX. Jenna addresses the committee on amendments to Jenna’s law that will allow the law to be implemented in open-enrollment charter schools and day care facilities. Jenna spoke before the Committee for the whole 3-minute time allotted.
May 5, 2011, Jenna speaks to the parents of children in the Texas Head Start Program in Plano, TX. Jenna speaks to 100 parents, where a bilingual translator interprets her message. Jenna spoke for 49 minutes on the signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse, Jenna’s Law, and how to report abuse. An open question and answer format followed her speech.
August 2, 2011, Jenna speaks in Georgetown, Texas at Christ Lutheran Church to 115 teachers and counselors. She speaks for an hour and forty-five minutes about Jenna’s Law, the signs and symptoms of abuse, and how to increase the likelihood of a child self-disclosing abuse. She spoke about her faith and answered questions following her speech. She continued to stay after her open question and answer format to answer personal questions for the individuals in attendance that needed further counsel after closing.
August 12, 2011, Jenna speaks in Fort Worth, Texas at Fort Worth Christian School for forty-five minutes. She spoke to counselors and teachers about how abuse can go undetected in the private school system. She spoke about her faith in God, and how she overcame the abuse that occurred within a private school. Jenna also discussed the signs and symptoms of abuse and how they vary according to gender and age. She stayed after her speech to answer several individual and personal questions for those in attendance, offering them counsel and encouragement.
October 11, 2011, Jenna is on CBS 11 local news station, where Jenna was interviewed about the Penn State Sandusky sexual abuse scandal. She was questioned on her past with abuse and spoke about the signs and symptoms of sexual abuse. Jenna was also asked to address the young boys who were involved in the Sandusky trial and offered encouragement about their case as it appeared in the public eye. She also spoke to the boys about the importance of speaking out.
April 26, 2012 Jenna speaks in San Antonio, TX. for the annual Child Safe Conference. Child Safe is a local non-profit that helps more than 1,700 victims of child abuse each year. Jenna spoke for an hour and a half over her story of abuse and educated the audience of over 300 on being aware of their children and the children they service. She spoke about her faith and about reporting suspected abuse.
April 26,2012 Jenna is interviewed by a local Spanish television program. She was asked to address survivors directly and encouraged survivors to speak out and seek help. She also assured survivors that the feelings of shame and fear are normal and to talk openly about their feelings. Her interviewed was translated and broadcast on the Spanish network.
June 13, 2012 Jenna was interviewed in a taped interview by Peer Passion TV. Peer Passion TV is a show that is aired nationally through Mastering Life Ministries. The owner interviewed Jenna for 30 minutes and she spoke about her faith in Christ and how she healed through accepting God’s grace in her life. She spoke to other survivors on how important it is that they do not lose their faith while they are in the process of healing from abuse.
September 22, 2012 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Lovelady, TX for Kalin’s Center. Kalin’s Center is a non-profit child abuse organization that offers services to children 18 and under who have experienced traumatic abuse. She spoke at the 5th Annual Styles for Smile fundraising event. Jenna spoke for an hour on her story and how important non-profit organizations are for children to obtain, healing, support, and justice. Kalin’s place exceeded their fundraising goal and thanked Jenna for her attendance. Jenna also signed a shirt that sold in the auction for $2,000.
October 1, 2012 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Brownsville, TX. for the governmental program WIC. For their annual conference, Jenna spoke for an hour and a half on her personal story and how important organizations are in detecting child abuse for children. She also spoke about how her faith brought her through and discussed the importance of reporting suspected abuse. There was an open floor question and answer session at the conference after she spoke.
November 29, 2012 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Waco, Texas for the Advocacy Center for Crime Victims and Children. She spoke at the 2nd Annual Child Abuse: The Big Picture Conference for an hour and a half. She trained police officers, counselors, executive directors, and nurses on the importance of reporting suspected child abuse.
January 18, 2013 Jenna spoke in Keller, TX. At Trinity Meadows Intermediate school. She spoke on staff development day for an hour and a half. Jenna trained counselors, teachers, and the administration on the signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse. She educated school staff on Texas law regarding criminal offenses, and the importance of reporting suspected child abuse.
February 23, 2013 Jenna spoke at the 4th annual Champions for Children Gala in Flower Mound, TX. At the fundraising event, she raised more money for the Children’s Advocacy Center. She spoke for 30 minutes in front of 900 people, including celebrities and star athletes. The Advocacy Center broke their fundraising record thanks to Jenna’s speech.
April 5th, 2013 Jenna spoke in Laredo, TX for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Laredo-Webb County. She spoke for an hour and a half at their 14th annual conference: “It takes a Team to protect a child.” Jenna spoke to an audience of 750 working professionals, teachers, and students. She spoke about her experiences with sexual abuse, “Jenna’s Law,” and how the multidisciplinary team of the CAC helped her.
April 5th, 2013 a reporter from the local Fox news station interviewed Jenna. She interviewed Jenna shortly after her speech. Jenna answered all of her questions and also gave her website information to the reporter. Her interview was shown twice in English and in Spanish.
April 6th, 2013 Jenna spoke in Bastrop, TX for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Bastrop, Lee, and Fayette Counties. She spoke for 30 minutes at their 9th annual “Cowboys and Caviar Gala”. She spoke to 500 people at the Bastrop Convention and Exhibit Center. Jenna spoke about her personal experiences with sexual abuse and “Jenna’s Law.” She helped the center meet their fundraising goal for the year and received a standing ovation after her speech.
April 6th, 2013 The Bastrop Advertiser, who then interviewed her, took professional photos of Jenna. The article featured a colored photo of Jenna and a full news article that covered Jenna’s speech and appearance at the Gala.
April 10th, 2013 Jenna was scheduled to interview with the television station KXII, a Texoma news team that covers counties in Texas and Oklahoma. Jenna answered questions for a live news interview about her personal experiences, “Jenna’s Law” and she talked about the signs and symptoms of child sexual abuse.
April 22, 2013 Jenna was scheduled to interview with the television station, KTEN, another Texoma news station that covers Texas and Oklahoma news counties. The lead news anchor interviewed Jenna. Jenna answered all of the questions and talked about her personal experiences, “Jenna’s Law,” signs and symptoms of sexual abuse, and gave out her website information.
October 27, 2013 Jenna spoke at All Saints Catholic Church. She spoke to 200 middle school aged boys and girls about “Speaking Up and Speaking Out.” She shared her testimony of overcoming abuse, encouraged students in their walk with Christ, and talked about God’s healing power.
December 2013 The Needham Channel News in Boston, MA interviewed Jenna. The interview was a follow up from Jenna’s appearance on the show in 2009. At the popular request of viewers, Jenna answered many questions about her life today and her future plans for “Jenna’s Law”. The title of the show was, “Jenna Quinn’s Story Where Are They Now? 2013 Update.”
February 19, 2014 Jenna is interviewed and featured in Christianity Today’s Magazine (which reaches over 2.5 million people every month).
February 24, 2015 Jenna was the Keynote speaker at the 29th Annual Conference on Prevention of Child Abuse at Omni Mandalay Hotel in Las Colinas, TX. There were 700 working professionals in the audience including social workers, investigators, nurses, counselors, and prosecutors. She shared her story and spoke about vision and purpose for 40 minutes. Jenna received a standing applause.
April 8, 2015 The ABC House in Albany, Oregon had Jenna as their keynote speaker for their annual fundraising event called “Celebrate Hope.” Jenna spoke for 25 minutes on how “Hope Heals Hearts.” She shared her personal story, discussed in detail how the Children’s Advocacy Center was instrumental in her healing, and the importance of education through “Jenna’s Law.” With Jenna’s help, The ABC House exceeded their fundraising goal. After Jenna spoke, a long line of people waiting an average of 30 minutes to speak with Jenna.
April 10, 2015 Harmony Home in Odessa, TX had Jenna as their keynote speaker for their “Champions for Children Conference.” Jenna spoke for 60 minutes to multidisciplinary team members of the Children’s Advocacy Center and members of the community. She opened up about her family’s struggles through the court process and how the Children’s Advocacy Center intervened to help. She also discussed how her faith was challenged as a survivor. Many people approached her after she spoke to talk with her and share their stories.
April 10, 2015 Jenna spoke at Asbury United Methodist Church with other survivors on a “Survivors Panel.” Jenna answered personal questions from the audience on her thought process of overcoming abuse. She helped the audience understand self-disclosure, coping mechanisms, and encouraged team members of the Children’s Advocacy Center in their work. Audience members took notes, lined up to speak with Jenna after the panel, and thanked her for her transparency.
October 29, 2015 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the 7th Annual Gala for the Children’s Advocacy Center in Gainesville, Florida. Jenna spoke for 15 minutes to a sold out crowd of over 800 people and received a standing ovation. After Jenna spoke they “passed the hat” for giving and raised 3 x more than the previous year.
November 5, 2015 Jenna spoke at the Granbury Convention Center for The Paluxy River Childrens Advocacy Center Multidisciplinary Team Training in Granbury, Texas. Jenna encouraged the staff of the CAC from 3 counties and spoke for 40 minutes to over 200 team members. Jenna received a standing ovation and people lined up to speak to her.
November 6, 2015 Jenna spoke at the Annual Michigan CASA State Conference in Muskegon, Michigan. Jenna spoke to 450 CASA sponsors, members, and volunteers. Jenna spoke for 70 minutes, shared her story, validated the importance of CASA, and inspired the audience to continue their efforts in helping children. Jenna received a standing ovation and people lined up to speak to her.
November 7th, 2015 Jenna spoke at the Annual Manatee Children’s Center fundraiser at Bradenton Beach, Florida. Jenna spoke for 30 minutes to 550 people. She shared her story and addressed the importance of the services of the Children’s Advocacy Center in her life. She compelled the audience to donate and the center exceeded their fundraising goal for the year after Jenna spoke. She received a standing ovation and people lined up to speak with her.
November 7th, 2015 Jenna was interviewed before and after she spoke by the local Educational Television Station. Jenna answered questions, shared her story, provided statistics to the community, and gave them a resource for receiving help.
December 2-4, 2015 Jenna spoke at the ALEC States and Nation Policy Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona. She shared her story and spoke to several hundred legislatures from across the U.S about the importance of prevention with Jenna’s Law. After Jenna spoke for 20 minutes she opened the floor for questions.
April 4, 2016 Jenna spoke to over four hundred 6th graders in Jasper, Indiana on prevention using Childhelp “Speak Up Be Safe.” After Jenna spoke the local newspaper interviewed her. In her interview Jenna discussed the warning signs of sexual abuse in children.
April 5, 2016 Jenna spoke at a benefit supporting the Southwestern Indiana Children’s Advocacy Center. With Jenna’s help, the center exceeded their fundraising goal. After Jenna spoke the local news station interviewed her.
April 8, 2016 Jenna was the keynote speaker in North Platte, Nebraska at “Celebrate Hope,” a benefit supporting the Bridge of Hope Child Advocacy Center. With Jenna’s help the center exceeded their fundraising goal.
April 10, 2016 Jenna spoke in Boston, Massachusetts at the National School Board Association Conference. Jenna spoke with Dr. Benah Parker, the National Director of Prevention Education for Childhelp “Speak Up Be Safe.” Together they discussed the importance of prevention education and Jenna’s law in schools.
April 15, 2016 Jenna spoke in Quitman, Texas to the Northeast Child Advocacy Center, Wood County Child Welfare & Protection, CASA, East Texas Crisis Center, and children and families of the community. Jenna received a standing ovation after she spoke.
April 19, 2016 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Atlanta, Georgia at the 11th Annual Change Makers Breakfast supporting the Georgia Center for Child Advocacy. Jenna received a standing ovation after she spoke and the center exceeded their fundraising goals.Jenna also spoke to the Georgia state task force committee on Jenna’s law and the need for implementation in Georgia.
April 25-27, 2016 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Lincoln, Nebraska at a community event of 500 people supporting the Small Voices Child Advocacy Center. Upon Jenna’s arrival she answered questions during a live news interview. The next day Jenna was interviewed again by the news station before she spoke at the event. Jenna also sat with other survivors on a “Survivors Panel.” She answered personal questions from the audience on overcoming abuse and helped the audience understand self-disclosure, coping mechanisms, and encouraged team members of the Children’s Advocacy Center in their work. Audience members took notes, lined up to speak with Jenna when the panel was over, and thanked her for her transparency.
May 5, 2016 Jenna spoke in Washington, D.C at a private event with the Beau Biden Foundation and Darkness to Light. Jenna shared her story and discussed the importance of educating adults on the warning signs of CSA and Jenna’s law. She received a standing ovation and support from those in attendance.
May 28, 2016 Jenna gave the commencement speech at Willow Bend Academy’s High School graduation in Plano, Texas. She received a standing ovation for her inspirational message.
June 1-3, 2016 Jenna gave the keynote speech in Orlando, Florida at a benefit supporting the Children’s Advocacy Center in Osceola County. Jenna spoke to 200 community members and received a standing ovation. With Jenna’s help the center exceeded their fundraising goals.
Jenna also met with the multidisciplinary team of the CAC the next day and answered questions, offered advice, and discussed prevention methods for the community.
September 1-2, 2016 Jenna gave the keynote speech in Summerville, South Carolina at the Dorchester Children’s Advocacy Center’s 2nd Annual MDT Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect. Jenna spoke for an hour, inspired the conference members, and received a standing ovation.
September 16, 2016 Jenna spoke in New York City, New York at the World Childhood Foundation USA Gala Dinner in the presence of Founder, H.R.H Princess Madeleine of Sweden. Jenna shared her story, addressed the importance of the Darkness to Light “Stewards of Children” Mobile APP, and discussed Jenna’s law legislation.
Jenna received the first standing ovation of the evening from the audience members including actor Forest Whitaker, Tenor Maestro Andrea Bocelli, H.R.H Princess Madeleine of Sweden, and United Nations council members.
October 11-13, 2016 Jenna spoke in Plattsburgh, New York at the Clinton County District Attorney’s Child Advocacy Center’s Conference on Child Abuse, Exploitation, and Trafficking. Jenna spoke for an hour during general session to over 300 conference members. She received a standing ovation and connected with audience members after she spoke.
November 16, 2016 Jenna spoke in Dallas, Texas at the TMPA Voice of Texas Law Enforcement Child Abuse Investigation training. Jenna spoke to a full class of investigators, first responders, and CPS workers and also answered questions.
December 9, 2016 Jenna gave the keynote speech in Branson, Missouri at the first annual Lakes Area Child Advocacy Center benefit banquet. Tickets for the event sold out as Jenna addressed the importance of the Children’s Advocacy Center’s and their services.
January 27, 2017 Jenna gave the keynote address at the Plates For a Purpose Luncheon hosted by the Junior League of Arlington, TX. She spoke for 30 minutes to over 300 women and received a standing ovation.
February 9, 2017 Jenna was the opening keynote speaker at the Alabama CASA Network State Conference in Birmingham, AL. She spoke to a sold out crowd for an hour and received a standing ovation.
February 16, 2017 Jenna spoke at the Mom’s of Preschoolers Conference in Prosper, TX. She educated the audience on how to talk to their children about anti-victimization and suggested prevention programs.
February 25, 2017 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the State Adult Leadership Conference for IORG in Richardson, TX. Jenna spoke for 30 minutes to a crowd of women in leadership roles working with youth.
March 14, 2017 Jenna spoke to the Frisco, TX ISD school counselors about recognizing, reporting, and responding to child sexual abuse and the Childhelp Speak Up Be Safe student anti-victimization curriculum.
March 24, 2017 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the Covenant Children’s Hospital Annual Child Abuse Summit in Lubbock, TX. Jenna spoke to a sold out crowd of multidisciplinary team members, medical professionals, and law enforcement for an hour and a half where she received a standing ovation.
March 29, 2017 Jenna spoke at Tarrant County Community College in Ft. Worth, TX in honor of Women’s History Month to college students and staff for 45 minutes. She spoke about activism, advocacy, and prevention through Jenna’s Law. After her speech Jenna had a Q & A session and talked with students.
April 4, 2017 Jenna testified at the Capitol Building in Austin, TX to the Education Committee on strengthening the amendments to Jenna’s Law.
April 7, 2017 Jenna gave a TED Talk at the University of Texas at Dallas where she addressed the topic of child sexual abuse, prevention with Jenna’s Law, and resources such as National Children’s Alliance and Childhelp.
April 11, 2017 Jenna gave the opening keynote address at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Fayetteville, NC Annual Child Abuse Conference. Jenna spoke to over 300 multidisciplinary team members, law enforcement, CPS workers, medical professionals, counselors, and those in the field. She spoke for an hour with a Q & A session that followed.
April 23, 2017 Jenna spoke at the Thin Line Film Festival in Denton, TX after showing the, “It’s Not Just Jenna” documentary. She visited with audience members, answered questions about the film, and signed copies of her book, Pure In Heart.
April 25, 2017 Jenna was the plenary speaker at the Juvenile Justice Association of Texas state conference. Jenna spoke for an hour, inspiring the audience, and received a standing ovation from over 300 members. She visited with attendees and signed copies of her book, Pure In Heart.
April 27, 2017 Jenna spoke in Scranton, Pennsylvania for the Children’s Advocacy Center of Northeastern Pennsylvania. Jenna spoke for twenty minutes to over 300 community members at the Cocktails by Moonlight Gala. She received a standing ovation and Judge Michael J. Barrasse awarded her with the “Hero In Our Midst” award. Jenna visited with audience members and signed personal copies of her book, Pure In Heart.
April 30, 2017 Jenna filmed a PSA for the Blue Sunday Child Abuse Prevention Campaign.
July 28, 2017 Jenna spoke in Austin, TX at the Texas Children’s Commission Supreme Court Task Force meeting on Trauma Informed Care.
September 18-19, 2017 Jenna spoke with OffenderWatch Initiative and Stop Child Predators in Covington, LA. She discussed sexual abuse and trafficking prevention policies and programs.
September 25, 2017 Jenna presented to the MDT members of Otsego County, NY. She discussed child sexual abuse prevention and commercial sexual exploitation for the full four-hour training.
October 5, 2017 Jenna aired as a live guest on the Christian Broadcast Network and was interviewed on two National Television shows, including The 700 Club, and two social media programs.
October 17, 2017 Jenna was the keynote speaker for the Child Advocacy and Parenting Services benefit in Salina, KS. She received a standing ovation and singed personal copies of Pure In Heart.
October 27, 2017 Jenna was interviewed for the “Safe Environment” prevention video filmed for the Catholic Diocese of Dallas.
November 2, 2017 Jenna spoke at the Denton County Children’s Advocacy Center’s 20th Anniversary Breakfast in Denton, TX. She gave the keynote presentation with State Representative Tan Parker to over 400 people.
November 3, 2017 Jenna presented at the Northeastern Pennsylvania Children’s Advocacy Center MDT training. She spoke for two hours on child sexual abuse and trafficking prevention.
November 3, 2017 Jenna spoke with the Northeastern Regional Children’s Advocacy Center Teen Trauma Group. She spent two hours with the group, answered questions, and signed personal copies of Pure In Heart.
January 20, 2018 Jenna gave the keynote speech for one hour at the Annual Gratitude Gala benefitting the Children’s House Child Advocacy Center in Towanda, PA.
January 23, 2018 Jenna spoke for two hours at a Community Town Hall meeting on preventing child sexual abuse hosted by the Smokey Hill Education Department in Salina, KS.
January 24, 2018 Jenna gave the keynote speech for one hour at the Child Sexual Abuse: Our Response Matters State Seminar in Salina, KS.
January 24, 2018 Jenna spoke for 90 minutes as plenary speaker at the Child Sexual Abuse: Our Response Matters State Seminar in Salina, KS. She spoke about Recognizing and Reporting child sexual abuse with educator and mother, Kellie Quinn.
January 24, 2018 Jenna spoke for 90 minutes in a breakout workshop at the Child Sexual Abuse: Our Response Matters State Seminar in Salina, KS. She discussed Jenna’s Law: prevention policies for child sexual abuse and commercial sexual exploitation.
January 24, 2018 Jenna answered questions from the audience on a panel discussion at the Child Sexual Abuse: Our Response Matters State Seminar in Salina, KS. Jenna also interviewed with the Salina Journal.
January 24, 2018 Jenna spoke for two hours at the Rice County, KS Community Town Hall meeting on preventing child sexual abuse. After speaking, she answered questions from the audience and interviewed with the Lyons News.
January 25, 2018 Jenna presented a half-day training on child sexual abuse and exploitation, teaching educators and law enforcement officers at the Rice County Health Department in Lyons, KS.
February 12, 2018 Jenna testified for Jenna’s Law legislation in front of the House Education Committee at The State Capitol in Phoenix, AZ.
March 6, 2018 Jenna spoke in Boise, Idaho at the 19th Annual “Strengthening Families Training Institute” Conference hosted by the Prevent Child Abuse Idaho Network.
March 10, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker in Kerrville, TX at the Annual Statewide Conference for Bikers Against Child Abuse.
March 22, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the 8th Annual ACH Child and Family Services “Lend A Hand Luncheon” in Ft. Worth, TX.
April 3, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the McMahon/Ryan Child Advocacy Center’s Annual “Go Blue 4 Kids” event in Syracuse, NY.
April 11, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at Governor Jeff Colyer’s 21st Annual “Crime Victims’ Rights” Conference in Topeka, KS.
April 13, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the Dallas Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) Community Awareness Event in Dallas, TX.
April 27, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the 9th Annual “Friends of Chaucie’s Place breakfast: Preventing Suicide and Sexual Abuse” in Carmel, IN.
May 5, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the 1st Annual “Fundraiser of Hope” hosted by the Rainbow House Children’s Advocacy Center in Warner Robins, GA.
May 17, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at The Granite State Children’s Alliance 1st Annual “Appreciation Breakfast” in Manchester, NH.
May 19, 2018 Jenna was the keynote speaker at the 12th Annual “Royal Ball Gala” benefitting the New Hampshire Network of Children’s Advocacy Centers in Manchester, NH.
June 26, 2018 Jenna gave two presentations at the “Wyoming Joint Symposium on Children and Youth: Crimes Against Children and Children’s Justice Conference.” Jenna spoke for a total of 180 minutes and held a formal book signing.
July 10, 2018 Jenna is filmed for a B.A.C.A awareness video that is presented at The Annual Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference.
July 25, 2018 Jenna spoke at the Annual statewide “Krimes Against Kids” Conference hosted by the Florida Network of Children’s Advocacy Center’s.
September 11, 2018 Jenna gave the opening 90-minute keynote speech at the 4th Annual Mississippi State Sex Offender Enforcement Conference for Law Enforcement in Jackson, MS. She received a standing ovation and held a formal book signing for attendees.
September 13, 2018 Jenna gave the 60-minute keynote speech at the “Women of Hope and Courage” Luncheon hosted by CASA of Texarkana. She received a standing ovation and held a formal book signing for attendees.
September 19, 2018 Jenna gave the opening 2-hour keynote speech at the 11th Annual Louisiana State Sex Offender Enforcement Conference in Baton Rouge, LA. She received a standing ovation and held a formal book signing.
October 3, 2018 Jenna spoke for 60 minutes to the faculty members of Hebron High School in Carrollton, TX.
October 17, 2018 Jenna and co-trainer Kellie Quinn spoke for 90-minutes to The Catholic Diocese of Dallas safe environment members.
November 9, 2018 Jenna spoke at The Star Dallas Cowboys Training Stadium for The Collin County Children’s Advocacy Center Gala kickoff.
November 29, 2018 Jenna spoke before U.S legislatures in Washington, DC at The American Legislative Exchange Conference.
January 22, 2019 Jenna spoke to all the Melissa Independent School District Counselors in Texas about child sexual abuse prevention.
March 28, 2019 Jenna gave the opening Keynote speech at The Annual Statewide Utah Coalition Against Sexual Assault Conference in Salt Lake City, Utah.
April 2, 2019 Jenna spoke at The University of Texas at Arlington Rosebud Theatre for an hour and a half with a Q & A session and formal book signing that followed.
April 4, 2019 Jenna was the Keynote speaker at The Over The Rainbow Children’s Advocacy Center annual fundraiser in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania.
April 6, 2019 Jenna spoke to over 1,000 attendees at The Dallas Cowboys World Headquarters and Training Stadium in Frisco, Texas for The Annual Children’s Advocacy Center of Collin County Gala.
April 12, 2019 Jenna spoke at The Children’s Assessment Center in Houston, Texas, for “The Hope In The Face of Adversity Conference” followed by a Q & A session and a book signing.
April 16, 2019 Jenna and co-presenter Kellie Quinn both spoke at the State Annual “One Loud Voice Conference,” hosted by the Children’s Advocacy Center’s of Mississippi.
April 23, 2019 Jenna gave the Keynote speech at “The Seminar On Prevention” hosted by The Opportunity House in Reading, Pennsylvania. Q & A session and book signing followed.
April 26, 2019 Jenna gave the Keynote speech and additionally presented a workshop with co-presenter, Kellie Quinn at “The Stand Against Abuse Conference” in Jackson, Michigan hosted by The Catholic Charities and The Lenawee County Child Advocacy Center. Several TV and Radio shows interviewed Jenna. She signed books for attendees and participated in a roundtable meeting with State Legislatures and Task Force Members concerning Jenna’s Law.
April 29, 2019 Jenna is a special guest on The Jennifer Sheehan Television Show in Dallas, Texas.
May 4, 2019 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The Grayson County Children’s Advocacy Center’s Annual Crystal Ball.
May 7, 2019 Jenna gave a Keynote Seminar on preventing child sexual abuse at The Cultural Center of Cape Cod, Massachusetts hosted by Independence House INC, Cape & Islands Enough Abuse Campaign, & The Cape Cod neighborhood Support Coalition. Q & A and book signing session followed.
May 14, 2019 Jenna is a special guest on three Television Shows hosted by The TCT Network in Marion, Illinois.
May 16, 2019 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The IM SAFE Child Advocacy Center’s “Champions For Children Luncheon” in Fenwick, Michigan.
June 6, 2019 Jenna gave the Keynote speech and additionally presented a workshop on prevention with co-presenter, Kellie Quinn at The New Jersey Children’s Alliance Annual State Conference. Q & A session and formal book signing followed.
July 23, 2019 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The Minnesota Children’s Alliance Annual State Conference in Duluth, Minnesota. Q & A session and formal book signing followed.
August 13 and August 14, 2019 Jenna speaks at The International Crimes Against Children Conference in Dallas, Texas hosted by The Dallas Children’s Advocacy Center. The conference had over 5,000 attendees registered. After Jenna spoke both days, she answered questions and signed books for attendees.
September 7, 2019 Jenna delivers the Keynote speech at The Children’s Advocacy Center in Crockett, TX. She spoke about the importance of Children’s Advocacy Center’s and prevention education for their annual community event.
September 20, 2019 Jenna is a guest speaker at the Christian Women in Media annual meeting in Southlake, Texas.
October 4, 2019 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the annual Gleneagles Country Club Charity Classic in Plano, Texas.
October 22, 2019 Jenna is interviewed and filmed as part of the New Hampshire Know & Tell curriculum. She discussed the importance of educating adults on how to prevent, recognize, and report child sexual abuse.
October 26, 2019 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The 2nd Annual Women’s Empowerment Conference in Southlake, TX.
March 1, 2020 Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention Awareness event in Pasadena, California. Jenna spoke to pastors and other faith based professionals working with children and youth at Lake Avenue Church.
March 3, 2020 Jenna speaks to The Minnesota State Adoption Network, training foster parents, adoptive parents, and professionals working with children on how to prevent, recognize, and report abuse.
March 18, 2020, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The “It Takes A Village” Annual State Conference hosted by Centerstone in Louisville, Kentucky. After giving the Keynote speech, Jenna gave a workshop on preventing child sexual abuse.
April 25, 2020, Jenna gives a virtual keynote presentation for the Children’s Advocacy Center in Rockwall, TX.
May 27, 2020, Jenna gives a webinar training on Preventing, Recognizing, and Reporting Abuse for Canadian based nonprofit, Plan to Protect.
August 13, 2020, Jenna gives two virtual presentations at the Dallas Crimes Against Children Conference.
September 10, 2020, Jenna gives the keynote speech and presents a workshop at the Champions for Children Conference in Odessa, TX.
September 13, 2020, Jenna gives a virtual speech at the Kids Talk Child Advocacy Center annual fundraiser in Lansing, MI.
November 9, 2020, Jenna gives a webinar at the Lone Star State School Counselors Association Conference.
October 9, 2020, Jenna speaks at the Denton County Children’s Advocacy Center virtual awareness event.
January 25, 2021, Jenna presents at the San Diego International Conference on Child and Family Maltreatment.
January 26, 2021, Jenna presents a one-hour webinar called “Courageous Conversations” in a webinar series for Childhelp Hollywood House in Los Angeles.
January 28, 2021, Jenna is a virtual speaker at the “All Survivors Day,” conference.
February 2, 2021, Jenna gives a two-hour webinar for LeFlore County Oklahoma Child Advocacy Center.
February 5, 2021, Jenna is the general session speaker at Frisco Bible Church.
March 12, 2021, Jenna speaks at the 21st Annual Child Abuse Prevention Conference.
March 26, 2021, Jenna is the virtual speaker for a one-hour webinar hosted by Childhelp Hollywood House in Los Angeles.
April 7, 2021, National Day of Hope virtual event speaker in D.C. hosted by Childhelp.
April 14, 2021, Jenna is the virtual keynote speaker at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Putnam County, NY annual event.
April 24, 2021, Jenna is the keynote speaker at Kalin’s Center annual fundraiser in Trinity, TX.
April 28, 2021, Jenna is the special guest on “One in Ten” podcast sponsored by National Children’s Alliance.
June 7-8, 2021, Jenna is the keynote speaker and a workshop presenter for the National Children’s Alliance Annual Leadership Conference. Live Q & A Session.
June 10, 2021, Jenna is the keynote speaker at the Children’s Advocacy Center of Greater West Texas annual gala.
June 16, 2021, Jenna is the keynote speaker for the annual Illinois Juvenile Officers Association statewide conference.
June 17, 2021, Jenna is a keynote speaker for the annual “Prevention and Redemption” conference hosted by The Evangelical Council for Abuse Prevention in Nashville, TN.
July 13, 2021, Jenna is the keynote speaker and workshop presenter at the “Teach to Prevent” conference hosted by the Texarkana Child Advocacy Center and CASA network.
August 9, 2021, Jenna gives two presentations at the 33rd Annual Dallas Crimes Against Children’s Conference.
September 7, 2021, Jenna is the Keynote speaker in Boise, Idaho for the Building Hope Today annual conference.
October 5, 2021, Jenna speaks to the students at the University of North Texas.
October 13, 2021, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the 2021 Arkansas Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect at the Convention Center in Hot Springs, AR. In addition to giving the keynote, Jenna gave a 90-minute workshop on Post Traumatic Growth and signed books for attendees.
November 9, 2021, Jenna speaks at the “Leading in Love” annual Lone Star State School Counselors Association Conference.
February 10, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at The Mental Health America of Dallas 46th Annual Symposium delivering a 90-minute presentation.
February 26, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker in Minot, North Dakota for The Northern Plains Child Advocacy Center annual community event.
March 16, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at Pepperdine University in Malibu, California hosted by All 4 Humanity Alliance.
April 6, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker for the Annual Texas Department of Family & Protective Services 2022 Special Investigators Conference.
April 6, 2022, Jenna speaks for the Childhelp National Day of Hope event in Washington, D.C. (virtual).
April 12, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the Women of Courage Luncheon in Midland, Texas.
April 16, 2022, Jenna is the keynote speaker at the Hero’s Day event in Dallas, Texas.
April 19, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the Higher Education Protection Network Conference in Canal Winchester, Ohio (virtual).
April 21, 2022, Jenna speaks at the St. Luke’s Children’s Hospital and CAC Magic Valley Alliance for Children 2022 Conference in Idaho Falls, Idaho (virtual).
April 26, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker at the Believe in the Brave Child Advocacy Center Breakfast in Rock Island, Illinois.
April 27, 2022, Jenna is the Keynote speaker for the statewide Child Advocacy Centers of California event in San Leandro, California (virtual).
April 29, 2022, Jenna is the keynote speaker and presenter at the Green River District Multidisciplinary Conference in Owensboro, Kentucky.
May 22, 2022, Jenna speaks to members of King of Kings Dallas Church in Dallas, Texas.